Cliffside Park
Our very own amusement park
Purchase in 1919 by Antonio Bianco, Cliffside Park was developed n 1921 into a recreational area along Two Lick Creek between Homer City and Indiana. Bianco, a resident and grocer from Yankeetown, originally constructed a 2-story structure which contained a first floor lunchroom, locker room, boating/bathing house for those using the park. The second floor was the private summer residence of the Paul and Antonio Bianco families.
A timber dam was constructed on Two Lick Creek 600 ft downstream from the park building, creating a lake for swimming and boating.
In 1925, Cliffside Park was devastated by fire at a loss of $10,000. The park was rebuilt and additional features added. At one time, Cliffside Park boasted a dance hall pavilion with refreshment area and promenade, a boating dock, swimming area, roller skating rink, baseball field, Ferris wheel and carousel.
Local schools used the park for outings, families held reunions, and clubs and businesses sought its beauty for retreat. The dance pavilion resonated with music provided by Brunswich Pantotrope and Auditorium Orthophonic Victrola. Well-known live entertainers such as Cab Calloway, Joe Nesbitt and his Pennsylvanians, and "Jelly Roll" Morton played tunes as the patrons danced in the 40 foot by 100 foot pavilion.
The Great Depression brought declining business, the death of Antonio Bianco, and damage by flood. In 1936, Cliffside Park was under new management with new features such as merry-go-round and ferris wheels added. But, by the end of 1937, Cliffside Park permanently closed.
In 1947, Indiana Borough purchased the 50 acre park for use as their garbage dump, and, in 1950, a police pistol range was opened nearby. By 1960, Indiana Borough and White Township developed a $1.8 million sewage treatment center on part of the site. The remainder, the lake and club house, now are buried beneath "new" Rt. 119.